Lafayette Urban Ministry (LUM)

LUM Protein Food Pantry

The LUM Protein Food Pantry is open at the Ray Ewry Youth Center at 525 N. 4th Street. 

Open every Thursday from 10-11:30 A.M., this pantry focuses on the three P’s: 

  • protein, 
  • produce and 
  • paper goods.  

The pantry is staffed by volunteers and relies on donations of paper goods & select proteins to stock the shelves. The frozen meat products and produce will be purchased and delivered weekly from Food Finders Food Bank.

Food Finders Recruiting Volunteers

Food Finders needs about 235 volunteers a week to cover all the positions needed to keep things running smoothly. 

If you’d like to help low-income families shop for affordable food at the fresh market food bank in Market Square, please sign up here. This is a ministry supported by Holy Trinity Lutheran Church.


Volunteers are urgently needed. You can sign up on-line, following the link to Volunteer, then to Volunteer Sign Up Sheets. Or you can contact LUM by phone at 765-423-2691 or by email.  

Donate Money and Goods

As always, your financial contributions are welcome to help with the costs of purchased products. To give on-line, go to the LUM website,  or send your gifts to the LUM Office at 420 N 4th Street, Lafayette, IN 47901-2213

Donations of paper goods and shelf-stable proteins are also needed. Storage space is limited, so donations of only those items will be accepted.  

 These include:

  • toilet paper, 
  • paper towels, 
  • paper napkins, 
  • feminine hygiene products,
  • diapers,
  • peanut butter, 
  • dried beans & lentils, 
  • canned tuna, and 
  • baby formula

Where to Donate

Donations can be brought to the LUM Administrative Office every Thursday morning from 9-11:30 A.M. at  420 N 4th Street. 
