About Holy Trinity Lutheran Church Lafayette



Overview of the Windows of Holy Trinity

The entire sanctuary is filled with the light and color of a bold and vibrant triune God.  The images surrounding us tell the story of the Trinity: God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit.

Look around!

  • The Great Window is in front of you rising above the altar.  It tells the story of Jesus, God the Son.  He is portrayed with a crown and rises above all as king.  The disciples are at his feet.
  • On the right side of the sanctuary, God the Father is reflected in the seven lower level windows.  The petitions of the Lord’s Prayer are illustrated with doves, chalices, grapes, a serpent and other images.
  • The left side of the sanctuary is devoted to God the Holy Spirit.  The flames on seven candelabra represent the seven gifts and seven virtues that the Bible associates with the Holy Spirit.

If you are interested in a more complete and scholarly review of the windows, check out this article by The Rev. Thomas L. Weitzel.

