Blessings this Lenten season! Holy Trinity Lutheran Church (HTLC) is partnering with Our Saviour Lutheran Church (OSLC), as we collectively reflect upon Jesus Christ, and His sacrifice to redeem us from our sins.
HTLC will hold its own Maundy Thursday service, which will include Communion.
HTLC will host the Lenten Evening Worship on Wednesdays, March 19th and April 2nd. OSLC will host the evening services on Wednesdays, March 12th and 26th, and April 9th. All services begin at 5:30 P.M.
Check our calendar for more information.
Guests are encouraged to come to any of the services. Please join us for Lent!
In 2024, Lutheran World Relief (LWR) sent aid, including 370,818 quilts, to 16 countries, around the world, and Holy Trinity Lutheran Church Quilters helped make that happen.
Our Quilting Ministry meets every 2nd and 4th Monday of the month and is made up of members from not only our parish, but our neighbors at Our Saviour and Grace.
Find out more about the aid LWR provides.
Join both the young and young at heart for Family Game Night. Whether you are six years old or a hundred and six years old, there are games for everyone.
From the space fantasy Star Wars game “Escape from the Death Star”, to Jenga, Life, Uno, Monopoly, Connect-4, Rummy, and many more.
It’s no Risk® to come and enjoy game night, though you might be Sorry® if you miss out!
Check the ePistle newsletter for the next Game Night date, usually, the first Saturday of each month, held in the Lounge.
Take a journey through the Book of Acts with Pastor Gladys, Thursdays, at 11 A.M. in-person at the church or at 7 P.M. on Zoom.
Bible scholars agree that Luke wrote both the Gospel of Luke and Acts of the Apostles (See Luke 1:3 and Acts 1:1).
The Book of Acts of the Apostles is “a history of transition from Judaism to Christianity: from the law to the age of grace, and from a purely Jewish and Jerusalem based community to a multinational community.” (DG, 2024).
Holy Trinity Lutheran Church is in transition like most churches, organizations, and entities. Our generation has seen a significant shift in our societal and church culture. As a church, we will together decipher how to swim the waters to the other side of the “Jordan”.
This Bible Study group meets Wednesdays at 12:30 P.M. with a ZOOM version of the class offered on the following Sunday evening at 7 P.M.
This week we are studying Chapter 4. Books are available.
Reading one short chapter a week, the book follows the liturgical year & goes for an entire year. In addition to the short chapter, there are 3 Bible passages to read.
This class was held last year. Some started during Lent 2024. Everyone is welcome even if you weren’t able to participate before.
The Wired Word is a weekly Bible study curriculum that connects the Bible to current events, open to everyone, seventh grade and older.
The curriculum includes Bible verses, commentary, discussion questions, and reference materials, designed to help people:
Join us on Sundays, at 9 A.M. in room 106 on the first floor.